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Bronopol biyositleri hakkındaki yanlış anlaşılmanın düzeltilmesi

Haziran 19, 2024

Özet: Bronopol(CAS: 52-51-7) is mainly used as a preservative and bactericide for cosmetics, which can effectively control a variety of plant pathogenic bacteria.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Bronopol; CAS: 52-51-7; BNP; C3H6BrNO4; preservative; bactericide; fungicide; bronopol

1.Misunderstanding of bronopol bactericidal mechanism

For a long time, there has been some misunderstanding about Bronopol in the sterilization and preservative industry, which thinks that Bronopol is a formaldehyde releasing body and relies on the release of formaldehyde to achieve sterilization effect. Due to the sensitivity of formaldehyde, the application of Bronopol in cosmetics and liquid detergents is affected.

In fact, Bronopol is a highly effective, broad-spectrum preservative with the following obvious advantages: Bronopol can effectively kill bacteria at a concentration of mg/kg. With multiple bactericidal mechanisms, it can kill common gram-positive bacteria, gram-negative bacteria, yeasts and molds in the environment. It has a special control effect on common pseudomonas bacteria in water, and is a powerful supplement to KATHON preservatives.

CEFIC (the European Chemical Industry Council) defines the concept of "formaldehyde releasing body" in the field of preservatives as follows: Formaldehyde-releasing fungicides or formaldehyde-releasing bodies, formaldehyde-donor type fungicides refer to under certain conditions, such fungicides can release formaldehyde, and their bactericidal properties are derived or partially derived from the released formaldehyde. By definition, the bactericidal properties of formaldehyde releasers depend entirely or mainly on the released formaldehyde molecules. The preservative effect of formaldehyde releasing body is directly related to the formaldehyde released.

In some cases, Bronopol releases a small amount of formaldehyde due to hydrolysis, but even considering the most extreme hydrolysis conditions, the amount of formaldehyde released in Bronopol is far below the dosage required for bactericide action, so Bronopol is not a "formaldehyde releasing body" preservative in the true sense.

2.Belirli göstergeler

Kimyasal ad: 2-bromo-2-nitro-1,3-propandiol
Ürün adı: Bronopol; BNP
CAS NUMARASI.: 52-51-7
Moleküler formül: C3H6BrNO4
Görünüm: Beyaz kristal toz
Saflık: ≥99% (BP2022)
Paketleme Detayları: 25kg varil/karton;500kg FIBC torba

3.Bakterisidal mekanizma

Bronopol is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent that oxidizes sulfhydryl groups in bacterial enzymes and inhibits the activity of dehydrogenase, resulting in irreversible damage to cell membranes. It is highly active against gram-negative bacteria, especially Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Broball is more effective against bacteria than molds and yeasts. This compound is bactericidal over a wide pH range and is not affected by cationic, anionic surfactants or proteins. The antibacterial activity of Bronopol originates from the electron-deficient oxidizing bromine atoms in the molecule. The mechanism of antibacterial action is that bromine atoms oxidize the mercaptan group on the surface of bacterial cell membrane, turning it into a disulphide compound, producing a large bulge in the cell wall, causing the cell wall to rupture and the internal soluble matter to flow out and kill bacteria. Another possible pathway is the release of activated bromine, which binds to cell membrane proteins to form nitrogen-bromine compounds, thus interfering with cell metabolism and eventually causing bacterial death.

4.Uygulama alanı

Bronopol is a dangerous product and should be protected as required when used. Bronopol is a bromo-nitroalcohol-based broad-spectrum fungicide with high bactericidal activity, low concentration and wide range of use. It is one of the cosmetic preservatives approved for use in the United States and has no irritation or sensitization to human skin.

Bronopol esas olarak koruyucu ve mantar ilacı olarak kullanılır, şampuan, balsam ve krem ​​gibi kozmetiklerin işlenmesine eklenir, kozmetiklerde %0.01-%0.02 konsantrasyonundadır ve ayrıca deterjanlarda, kumaş işleme maddelerinde vb. kullanılabilir. Bir bakteri öldürücü olarak Bronopol, çeşitli bitki patojenik bakterilerini etkili bir şekilde kontrol edebilir ve pamuk tohumlarının işlenmesi, pamuk boynuzu lekesinin neden olduğu pamuk kara kol hastalığını ve bakteriyel kartal yanıklığını önleyebilir ve kontrol edebilir ve pamuğa hiçbir ilaç zararı yoktur. Bronopol ayrıca pirinç kötü huylu fide hastalığı için de kullanılabilir ve önerilen konsantrasyon 800 ~ 1000 mg / L'dir. Bronopol ayrıca endüstriyel dolaşım suyu, kağıt hamuru, kaplamalar, plastikler, kozmetikler, ahşap, soğutma suyu dolaşım sistemleri ve sterilizasyon, küf önleyici, korozyon önleyici, yosun vb. endüstriyel uygulamalarda kullanılır.