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Bronopol Koruyucu

How much do you know about the bronopol preservative in cosmetic and skincare products?

The ingredient you should know for this is Bronopol which exists in many skincare products, and it serves as a preservative to keep the products safe. Also, It justifies an antimicrobial agent that inhibits the growth of bacteria or fungi and disease causing yeast to cause harm to users. Despite that weak-sounding explanation, though - parabens are just not-so-dangerous compounds of methylparaben (and its relative ethyl-, etc) and propylpariben designed to inhibit microbial growth in your family's shampoo, conditioner bodywash or lotion - there is growing evidence that excess exposure might cause hormone dysfunction; more than enough publications to prompt the average beauty brand into tub-thumping over marketing claims including 'Paraben-Free'.

    What Bronopol Does

    It is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent, which means it can kill virtually all types of microorganisms. Bronopol releases formaldehyde (a potent antibacterial agent) which removes harmful germs that can be found in skincare products. So this is a wonderful case for product that must be able to stay on the shelf and not expire over time

    Why choose Puyuan Bronopol Preservative?

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