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The beauty industry is a $532 billion market.

 News Flash: In recent times, there has been an increase in the usage of natural and organic ingredients being added to skin care items. This said, it is important to recognise that not all 'safe' products are safe. In the beauty world one such ingredient that has thrown up some red flags is bronopol, similar to the Puyuan's product like Bronopol Mantar İlacı. Or learn more about what using products with 99% bronopol means for your skin, how to spot it in the skincare line up you revere and find other nurturing solutions here.

Contemplando la empresa del Bronopol

In skincare products, bronopol is used as a preservative and this ingredient is water-soluble organic compound, as well as the 2-n-oktil-4-izotiazolin-3-on hidroklorür manufactured by Puyuan. First introduced in the 1960s, it became common as a bactericide for products such eye liner and mascara. Although they are used in large quantities, natural solvents tend to be rather limited; therefore organic chemistry is not always eco-friendly. Nevertheless, while it was until recently considered a safe biocide and preservative for cosmetics, bronopol has also been banned worldwide by certain countries due to newly discovered concerns regarding its toxicity levels.

Neden Puyuan 99%bronopol'u seçmelisiniz?

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