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جميع الاقسام

برونوبول 99%

Bronopol99% is a remarkable product that has revolutionized the television, and film industry. It is now well recognized and extensively used as a disinfectant with new applications constantly being uncovered in various industry sectors. It has a lot of antibacterial and antifungal properties which is why this  Puyuan  برونوبول-10 chemical compound very popular as preservatives.

Bronopol 99% Uses and Applications

This slimy colourless solution is used in many products, such as disinfectants, antiseptics, soaps and pharmaceuticals & paints and coatings to name a few. Manufacturers across the board have been favoring it, due to its potent microbial properties

It is important to note the percentage of this material, and especially when using products containing  Puyuan  10 برونوبول  Bronopol99% The label for the product must specify the percentage of Bronopol99% and should be used as directed to ensure safe use.

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