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Hello, everyone! So, let's jump into the weird and wonderful world of bacteria today. Invisible little beings are all around us. They are so tiny that we need a microscope to see them properly and undergo their mysterious world.

    Bacteria: the Good, Bad and Ugly

    Today we are going to discuss the good, bad and ugly sides of bacteria. Although not all bacteria are gross and harmful. Actually, some of the bacteria are also good and supports in different way to our bodies. Probiotics are a prime example - they're living, good bacteria that live in the gut and help us process our food. Conversely, there are those harmful bacteria that can attack and make us sick - viral infections like the common cold or flu or food poisoning. There is also the idea of bacteria that we can physically see- in mold growing on old bread, or fruit left out for too long – these are all types of different kinds of bacterias!

    Why choose Puyuan bacteria?

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