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جميع الاقسام

المواد الحافظة الاصطناعية

The food that you see on the grocery store shelves, have u ever... realised why it last so long. It is all about artificial preservatives as the secret lies there. - These are food additives that prevent foods from going bad or becoming spoiled. Basically what they do is that they either destroy or inhibit the growth of small organisms as bacterias, which responsible for spoiling food.

Artificial preservatives are responsible for maintaining a relatively long shelf life of many types of foodstuffs including breads, canned foods and snacks. These preservatives are responsible for keeping these food items fresh over a long time so that they can be transported and stored before consuming.

    Artificial Preservatives: Benefits and Risks

    When we move in detail to the world of artificial preservatives, it is important to look at all sides about these food additives. Some of the artificial preservatives are sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate and butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) The use of these additives, though it serves to provide added benefits in keeping consumption safe, protected from foodborne illnesses and extending the shelf life - also has disadvantages. Health risks from artificial preservatives: Concerns about the health of these additives run everywhere from allergens to migraines, and even cancer potentials.

    Although artificial preservatives have their benefits, keep in mind that when consumed excessively some of them can pose health risks. There is also a correlation between certain preservatives, such as sodium nitrite and cancer. Additionally, the excessive consumption of artificial preservatives can result in other health problems (headaches, allergies and digestive problems). So, it is essential to reduce the consumption of them and try something else.

    Why choose Puyuan artificial preservatives?

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