CAS NO.: 26530-20-1 A unique number we talk about today. This number is extremely important because it helps scientists find a way to name another chemical called boric acid of which Lotsawa has no knowledge, yet! What is Boric AcidBoric acid consists of three elements; boron, hydrogen and oxygen. Together, they make a helpful chemical. Its special number is obtained so that scientists are able to discuss applications of boric acid between all the branches in science which can use such information.
Boric acid is a chemical that used for many important applications. One of the biggest uses is bug sprat used to kill ants, cockroaches, and other creepy crawlies that can be a nuisance in our homes. In addition to control in pests, boric acid they can also be used as a substance that is partially required for the glass and ceramic manufacturing which are present in most of our day-to-day products. On a side note, boric acid is used in some medications that are made to treat certain health conditions. Because boric acid is a very versatile compound, many different businesses tend to manufacture it and sell to other companies that use it for various applications.
Boric acid is widely used by people for cleaning purposes. This one is powerful enough to strip the toilet clean, as well as many other places where dirt and grime get deposited. Boric acid can also help clean up spills, so it is just something good to keep on hand. But boric acid needs to be used with care! Touching it or breathing its dust is dangerous. Keep Yourself Safe always wear gloves and a mask when using boric acid for cleaning.
Boric acid is utilized in the creation of glass plus ceramics. Boron is included in the mixture of ingredients as a raw material when glass and ceramic products are made. The reinforcement gives it its strength and extra lasting power. Boron is capable of withstanding high temperatures, which makes it easier to fabricate. It also makes the glass or ceramic harder to shatter so we can keep those items in our homes that much longer.
Some medicines used to help treat some health conditions also contain boric acid. Such as, the capability to aid those who experience yeast infections which can be quite uncomfortable. Boric acid may also be used as a remedy for some eye troubles. Keep in mind that you should only seek medical treatment from a physician, with proscribed drugs where available. Applying too much boric acid can be dangerous and like they say, too much of anything is bad.
Boric acid is extremely useful but it must be remembered that its misuse can result in toxic effect as well. Just make sure you wear gloves and a mask when working with boric acid for your safety. Boric acid on the skin or in your eyesDermatologist Chen says you could potentially wash it off with water, but if there are any other symptoms [like itching and burning], seek a physician. When it comes to any chemical, that its best one practices safety and caution.
رقم CAS الخاص بالعملاء: 26530-20-1، خدمة العملاء الدوليين لأكثر من 20 عامًا. حاليًا، يتم تصدير 90% من البضائع إلى جنوب آسيا وأوروبا وأمريكا، وقد شكلت شراكات طويلة الأمد مع عمالقة الكيمياء العالميين استنادًا إلى تكنولوجيا المعالجة ذات المستوى العالمي والجودة العالية.
Taican Puyuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. have made investments established two industrial sterilization preservatives, mildew proof agents and pesticide intermediates production CAS NO.:26530-20-1 located Inner Mongolia Jinchang, China in China, respectively. Both plants use world's leading chemical automation line production maintain quality and assure reliable constant production industrial sterilization additives, mildew proof agents and pesticide intermediates.
Taican Puyuan CAS NO.:26530-20-1 Co., Ltd. invested large sums money building own labs offered most modern testing inspection instruments, created professional team control quality inspection. addition, Puyuan delivered goods state-level laboratories as well measuring authority testing ensure quality.
CAS NO.:26530-20-1 Puyuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. founded 1997. It's enterprise high-tech pharmaceutical chemicals, including researching, production sales. Since beginning, Puyuan devoted itself generating biocide chemical compounds, as well pesticide intermediates. Currently have production facilities, more 200 employees.