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Can 30% Bronopol be Consumed Safely in Cosmetics?

All that we apply on our body, products like skincare essentials, hair care kits and make-up are to be carefully read up as well. Ingredients include برونوبول30, a preservative that acts as an antimicrobial agent to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi in products thus lengthening their shelf-life. But the big question is how safe it would be to use 30% bronopol in a cosmetic. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Everything You Need to Know About Bronopol

Belonging to one of several classes of preservative chemical compounds termed halogenated organic molecules, with a backbone including both carbon and halogen. Puyuan برونوبول-30 contains halogens such as chlorine and bromine that are known human toxicants. Surprisingly, after exposure to water bronopol can become a formaldehyde-isn't that known for being dangerous and cancer practices?

Why choose Puyuan 30%bronopol?

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